What people say about us

Some of the good reviews we got

Trusted property agent


Paul Adebayo - Lagos

Before choosing a real estate agent, I conducted a lot of research to see who would be the best choice based on the investment they make (time and effort, not necessarily financially) and how they promote their listings. Vans and Resá Realty stood out as the best Lagos has to offer

Ayo Francis - Ikeja

We spoke with Olasunkami and then met with him at our home. He spent hours answering our questions, providing objective data regarding how many homes they manage and put up for short-stay. After having professional photographs taken, and a lot more. Our house went under marketing and we get clients from day to day

David Mathews - Lagos

My wife and I had a dream of owning a house

In Lagos. Vans ond Resá and their skilled team

helped make that dream a reality.

The sale went smoothly, and we just closed on an ideal new place we're excited to call home

Tshwarelo Mabe - Johannesburg

Gbemi visited our home in Johannesburg, she came providing tons of info on comps in the area and how long their listings typically stay on the market, We were concerned that our house, which was located pretty far from downtown and in a neighborhood with hundreds of similar homes would be tough to sell. Gbemi made the process incredibly easy and took extra steps many other home Realtors don't (but should), like having a pro come and give us staging tips, Our house went under contract 4 days after we put it on the market at 1% under asking price. We accepted and Gbemi ( who was also incredibly friendly and helpful) walked us through every step of the closing process. It couldn't have been a more pleasant experience

Jennifer Andrews - Abuja

“ I chose Vans and Resá because their organic rankings are excellent (meaning people find listings on their site easily), their social media presence was strong, and I could tell they put a lot of work into their listings